Food Unit
The Food Pyramid


Food Packages
Food Word Wall
Guess the Secret Food
What did you have for breakfast?
My Favorite Foods Book
Food Songs
Nursery Rhymes
Food Poems
What did you have for lunch?
At The Supermarket
Restaurant Menus
Honey Cookies
Pancake Measuring
Candy graphing
The Carrot Seed
The Food Pyramid
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
Strega Nona
Learning Log
References and Resources

Students will learn about the Food Pyramid and about healthy eating.
Learning about healthy eating is an authentic activity that will is important in real life.
Students will apply what they have learned by creating a Food Pyramid with their classmates.
Learning is a social process.
Students will be engaged in a shared reading experience and enhance their awareness of illustrations/concepts of print/vocabulary/and comprehension development.
Students will use their background experiences to create meaning.
Students' schemas will be activated at the beginning of the activity.
Students will learn new vocabulary within the context of an informational book.

Food Pyramid - see link below
chart paper
large blank food pyramid charts
The Food Pyramid (Kalbacken, 1998)
small pyramid shaped manipulative
crayons, markers, scissors

1.Ask students to tell you what they know about healthy food. Record their answers on chart paper.
2.Ask students if they know what a pyramid is. Provide an example that they can manipulate. Show them the food pyramid and read to them what the various labels say. Ask them what they think it means.
3.Read The Food Pyramid (Kalbacken, 1998). Read it one chapter at a time and ask students to report what they have learned after each reading. Record the answers on chart paper. Stop and discuss any new words, using the context to help students figure out its meaning.
4.After reading read what has been recorded on the chart paper.
5.Tell students that it will be their job to fill the Food Pyramid charts with foods, putting them in the correct places. This activity will be performed in small groups.
6.Have students present their food pyramids when they are complete.

Special Accommodations
Students can be specially grouped if there are students who will need scaffolding.

Food Pyramid